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  • Mailing Address: 1215 Roselawn Ave. West | Roseville, MN 55113



Endowment Grants

Roseville Lutheran Church (RLC) Endowment Fund provides funds for projects that fit within one of the following ministry areas of RLC:

  • Faith, Worship and Prayer
  • Discipleship
  • Service and Stewardship
  • Evangelism

Examples of projects that might fit within these ministry areas include:

  • Funding for new missions/ministry
  • Educational programs, sponsorship, scholarships, camperships
  • Funds for church capital projects not normally funded by the RLC budget
  • Local, regional or world mission projects
  • Support for natural disaster relief
  • Worship and music

Grants are considered twice annually, in October and May. 

Grant requests must be received by May 1 or October 1 in order to be considered at the ensuing meeting. To apply for a grant, complete and submit the online application form.

The grants reviewed in each grant cycle are viewed as a unique group and during the review process the Endowment Committee will take into account the following preferences when reviewing grant applications.  Requests that meet one or more of the following will receive preferential consideration:

  • Request comes directly from, or has the direct involvement of RLC members.
  • Requests that can clearly articulate a connection to RLC and its mission, vision and goals.
  • Requests that provide evidence that the funding will help establish an on-going impact (as opposed to requests that will aid in only getting the event/program to its next grant request).
  • Requests that are not currently being funded via other RLC budgets.
  • Requests from individuals, groups or agencies that have not been funded by the EF in the past two funding cycles.
  • Requests that offer the most opportunity to benefit groups or organizations versus requests for individual mission trips, education, scholarships or research.
  • Requests that will assist RLC in becoming a more sustainable congregation that will successfully adapt to a changing world.

If you have any questions regarding the grant process, please contact Kevin Peterson, RLC Endowment Committee.

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