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Call Committee

The RLC Pastor/Deacon of Faith formation Call Committee has been formed. Thank you to all who expressed interest or suggested names of those who might help with this important task of the congregation. RLC’s Church Council unanimously approved these members to serve on the Call Committee.

Taylor Mickley

Chuck Ochocki

Karen Rogers

Amy Schell

Chris Smedsrud

Holly Swiglo

Lexi Swiglo

Pastor Lauren Wrightsman (ex officio)

Pastor Marty Wyatt (ex officio)

Please pray for the call committee as they begin this exciting and important process. We will be working closely with the St. Paul Area Synod. Look for more information coming soon!


What is the difference between a Pastor and a Deacon?

Pastors are those called to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament, Deacons are those called to the Ministry of Word and Service. Both pastors and deacons are called to serve a congregation through congregational vote. To learn more about deacons in the ELCA you may wish to visit: https://download.elca.org/ELCA%20Resource%20Repository/What_is_a_Deacon.pdf

Will the Pastor/Deacon of Faith Formation focus on ministry to all members?

Much of the call of the Pastor/Deacon of Faith Formation will focus on the members, youth and children in the congregation. The Pastor/Deacon will share responsibilities of preaching, teaching and pastoral care with the pastoral team. 

Who will be considered for the RLC Pastor/Deacon of Faith Formation position?  

Bishop Lull and the synod staff will include those individuals who are actively seeking a call, individuals staff think may be a good fit and open to a new call, as well as nominations from RLC members. Candidates from a variety of locations will be considered. Bishop Lull and her team are driven to bring forward individuals who have the gifts which are needed in this pivotal time for RLC.  

How do I submit a prospective candidate for consideration?  

Thank you. Names were received through Sunday, June 12, 2022 

How many candidates will be brought forward to the RLC call committee for consideration?  

In consultation with the synod call team, the St. Paul Area Synod will provide 3-5 candidate profiles.  

Roseville Lutheran Church
Call Committee Charter 2022


The Call Committee represents RLC to prospective candidates, who are themselves interviewing RLC through the Call Committee. The process is 3-way: RLC, the candidate, and the St. Paul Area Synod. The synod represents the ELCA in the process and has vested interest in securing the best possible candidate for RLC. 


Roseville Lutheran Church Congregation 


May 2022 - August 2022


  • Five to seven voting members appointed by council
  • The senior pastor who shall be ex officio
  • The associate pastor who shall be ex officio 


  • A broad knowledge of RLC, in particular our Children’s, Youth and Family ministries
  • Team player, ability to form a strong interview team
  • Represent RLC in the best possible way to inquiring candidates
  • Willingness to commit the time to see the process through 

May 2022

May 26 - Call Committee is approved by Congregational Council

Call Committee begins their work:

  • Approving MSP (Ministry Site Profile) and job description
  • Meets with a member of the Synod staff
  • Introduced at Sunday Worship

June 2022

  • Seek potential names from RLC members
  • Receive candidate names from the St. Paul Area Synod
  • Create interview schedule and question

July 2022

  • First round of interviews (early July)
  • Second round of interviews (late July)
  • Call Committee does site visits of final two candidates

August 2022

  • Final candidate named
  • Vote to call at RLC Annual Meeting (Sunday, August 28th)

Other tasks:

  • Regularly inform the congregation and council of the committee’s progress
  • Assist the called deacon / pastor in making the best beginning in this congregation
  • Support the called deacon / pastor in their initial year at RLC 


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