Saturday, May 05, 2018, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
RLC's Our Neighbors and Me is hosting Duchess Harris, JD, PhD, a Professor of American Studies, Department Chair at Macalester College, and author of 24 books for youth. The May 5, Saturday morning event is open to the community and will have both an informational aspect and a challenge to integrate racial justice into our everyday personal encounters and living experiences.
“But let justice
roll on like a river,
righteousness like a
never-failing stream!”
– Amos 5:24
The scriptural theme, “Let Justice Roll,” Amos 5:24, speaks of the action and movement of RLC’s and the Roseville faith community’s people going out into our local area to know our neighbors and to minister and fellowship with them in practical ways, particularly through meeting their needs and through friendship ministry, bringing the opportunity to share in our worship of God. We hope this will be a challenging, informational, and educational workshop.
The foundation for this work comes from the transforming power of the Gospel which creates and instills a belief in us of God’s love for us and God’s love for all people. Living and growing in this trusting relationship with God gives the lens of Jesus to relationships with others. This transformation calls us to make Christ present through ears open to listen, eyes that see, and hearts that are moved to respond in word and action of love, justice and mercy with and for others.
The hope of the retreat is that those present will come to know and believe that they have a calling to use their daily interactions and relationships with others as the “point of entry” to make Christ present. The morning event is planned to have an interactive focus with presentations to reveal the realities of racial injustice and white privilege, and how white people can use those privileges to acknowledge the dignity and rights of people of color, and become allies for justice.
Professor Harris’ fifth book was released September 1, 2017. Race and Policing with Rebecca Rissman examines recent incidents of minorities being mistreated or dying in police custody, delving into the historical institutions and laws that underpin today’s system and exploring what police departments and the communities they serve are doing to improve communication and relationships.
Her other publications are the co-authored book Hidden Human Computers: The Black Women of NASA and Black Lives Matter with Sue Bradford Edwards, Racially Writing the Republic: Racists, Race Rebels, and Transformations of American Identity with Bruce Baum, and Black Feminist Politics from Kennedy to Obama, she has been an associate editor for Litigation News, the American Bar Association Section’s quarterly flagship publication, and was the first editor-in-chief of Law Raza Journal, an interactive online race and the law journal for William Mitchell College of Law.
Harris has advocated on the national level at the Congressional Black Caucus. Locally, she was appointed as a Minneapolis Civil Rights Commissioner by Mayor Sharon Sayles Belton, appointed to the Governor’s Council on Black Minnesotans by Governor Jesse Ventura, appointed to Co-Chair the Statewide Martin Luther King Holiday (twice) by Governor Mark Dayton; and served as a Constituent Advocate for the late Senator Paul Wellstone. She has sat on the Boards of several nonprofits including True Friends, The Women’s Foundation of MN, and Brown Body.
RLC’s Our Neighbors and Me is excited to bring Professor Harris to our church and to our Roseville and Falcon Heights community to speak to our open hearts as we seek ongoing active justice in our community. Everyone is invited to participate in this workshop on Saturday, May 5 at 9:00 am to Noon in the RLC Social Hall. Invite a friend!