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Call Committee Nominations

Call Committee Nominations

Sunday, June 30, 2024, 12:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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Nominations Due June 30

Click here to complete a nomination form.

The pastoral call process is God’s activity, but God works through the congregation, church council, pastors, and synod staff to call a pastor to serve Roseville Lutheran Congregation. The decision to call a pastor belongs to the congregation.

The transition team is actively working to prepare the Ministry Site Profile, in collaboration with the congregation and the church council. The profile provides an assessment of the congregation’s needs and priorities as related to the position of Senior Pastor. The profile is used by the synod to match potential candidates with Roseville Lutheran. As the transition team completes their work, the council is seeking members who might be interested in serving on the Call Committee.

The role of the Call Committee is to canvas, interview and assess pastoral candidates that are recommended by the synod. The congregation will also be given a chance to recommend the names of potential candidates. These candidates will be contacted by the synod to determine if they wish to be interviewed by the Call Committee.

The council’s intent is that the call committee will represent the breadth and diversity of the congregation. The committee will consist of six voting members, as required by the constitution. We expect that there will be significant interest in the committee, and the council will not be able to honor all of those expressing interest.

The Call Committee is responsible for recommending a preferred candidate to the Congregation Council. The council then votes to present the preferred candidate to the congregation for a final vote.

We expect that the committee process will include frequent meetings over an extended amount of time. Please express your interest in being considered for the Call Committee, or nominate a member, by completing this form. Nominees must be active members of the congregation. Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Click here to complete a nomination form.

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