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Loving the Neighbor

Loving the Neighbor

Sunday, October 31, 2021, 10:10 AM - 11:30 AM

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Hearing the Scriptures on Loving the Neighbor: 
RLC Seeks to Welcome Persons of Diverse Gender Expression

10:10 am, Sunday, October 31 - Led by Dr. James Boyce

Based on the witness of Scripture, Roseville Lutheran Church has adopted a mission statement that affirms our commitment to “Love God” and “Love our Neighbor.” This statement not only affirms who we are as God’s people, but also calls us to continuing discernment about how we can be more intentional in welcoming persons of many identities and backgrounds, especially those persons who express different gender identities.

As part of this discernment, we seek to understand what the Scriptures have to say about how we journey faithfully as God’s people. Virtually all Christians hold the Scriptures as inspired and authoritative for faith and life. Yet from the beginnings of the church the interpretations of Christians have often differed on matters of life and practice. Hence the church has needed to constantly hear the Scriptures not as isolated texts, but within the total witness of Scripture. One of the clear teachings of Scripture is that its witness to what God is about among us is never set in stone, but takes shape as the Spirit works among us to help us live out the experience of God’s people in ever-changing circumstances. That is certainly true for us today as the people of RLC as we seek to be faithful in discerning what it means to Love the Neighbor and be a community that welcomes persons of diverse sexual expression.

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