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A prominent theologian once described the Gospel of Mark as a “Passion Narrative with an extended introduction.” From its opening announcement of this work as the “beginning of the good news of Jesus the Christ,” Mark’s story draws us into the story of Jesus’ journey to the cross with repeated foretelling of Jesus’ coming suffering, death, and resurrection. At the same time we are at times left somewhat breathless and puzzled by the motifs of secrecy and mystery that compel us as readers. Our four sessions will explore this Gospel, seen by most historians as the earliest of the gospels, and one which later writers felt compelled to supplement or revise for early Christian readers.
This is a continuation of Dr. Jim Boyce's Adult Education class presented on March 8 at Roseville Lutheran Church. Handouts begin with the first session, along with newly-recorded video lectures for sessions 2-4.
Jesus in Jerusalem: Passion and Resurrection.
He has been raised, he is not here.
Handout for Session Four
Powerpoint Slides (pdf) for Session Four