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Lenten Devotional

Monday, March 5

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Julie Hanson
John 8:12
Monday, March 5

12 Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but have the light of life." – John 8:12

My younger sisters shared a room and were afraid of the dark when they were little. They had to have a night light on so the room wasn't completely dark. I was the older and wiser one and thought this was silly. My sister used to say, "I can't find the door without the light on!" We all experience darkness in different ways.

This verse gives us the promise that Jesus is our light. His unending love shines on us to give us peace and hope and opens that door. Whatever darkness we are in, whether it be illness, loneliness, sadness or other circumstances, we can depend on Jesus to give us hope and to light our way. With the light of Jesus to guide our lives, we never need to stumble in the darkness!

Questions for reflection:

  • What darkness are you in that you need Jesus to light?
  • Have you allowed the light of Christ to shine into your life?


Lord Jesus, shine on me and guide me so I can see that open door. Amen
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