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Lenten Devotional

Saturday, March 3

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Jim Boyce
John 7:37-38
Saturday, March 3

37 On the last day of the festival, the great day, while Jesus was standing there, he cried out, "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me, 38 and let the one who believes in me drink. As the scripture has said, "Out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers of living water.'" – John 7:37-38

Come! Anyone who is thirsty! Is there anyone who wouldn't answer yes to such a blanket invitation?

And yet we waver.

Anyone was has been to a festival or a fair will recognize a hawker's ploy. Our guard is up. We are immediately suspicious. But really, this does sound like too good a deal to pass up. So, perhaps on second thought, we're ready to step up to the counter. But then we hear a catch to this – something is here that seems to go deeper than just wetting our tongues and quenching our thirst for a few moments.

This water and this drinking will have something to do with this "believing in me" talk. And now we sense that with this drink, there comes some risk – and a promise. Along with this drink comes this one who offers the invitation – this Jesus who wants to enter our lives. This drink is personal; it's about a new relationship. And it's about a life-transforming gift. You and I won't walk away from this counter the same. The promise is of a "living" water that gets at our very roots. Our hearts will be changed – and that change will be an ongoing, surprising journey with this Jesus.

Questions for reflection:

  • Where are the places in your life right now that seem dry or "thirsty"?
  • How do images of water help you to sense the presence of Jesus in your daily walk of faith?
  • Do you think that we hearers are meant to recall our baptism when we hear Jesus' invitation and talk about this "living water"?


Jesus, our Living Water, open our hearts and enter into the thirsty places in our lives, that we may know your presence today and each day of our journey. Amen
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