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Lenten Devotional

Tuesday, March 6

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Maren Schultz
John 8:31-32
Tuesday, March 6

Jesus said to the people who believed in him. "You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings. And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." – John 8:31-32

What are Jesus’ teachings? What is the truth? One of his teachings was to love your neighbor as yourself and the truth we read is that the Prince of Peace and light (Jesus) has already fought and won the battle with our adversary the devil!  

This brings to my mind youth sports.  As a parent,  I am entrenched in youth sports right now.  If you have a child in sports you know how competitive it has become.  It seems that it is no longer about the experience or the opportunity to grow as a player but about being the best, the winner.  How can we love our neighbors, on the other team, when we are so focused on ourselves and our own families?  

But God has called us to love each other, even those on the opposing team!  When we are sitting on the sidelines it can be hard not to judge. But only God is the judge, God knows what is in the heart of my neighbor, I do not.  I am finding that it is becoming harder to remain faithful to His teachings in a world that is becoming more self centered, status based, and materialistic.  As I grow older I become more aware and thankful that I am free to be the person God created me to be, even though I’m still a work in progress! This is because Jesus has already won the battle with the devil.  This means that sin has no authority over me! Now, if I could just remember that on a daily basis.


  • What can I do to remain faithful to my Christian beliefs?
  • How can I love my neighbor instead of judge?


Dear God, I pray that you would help me love my neighbors well. Help me to see them from your eyes. You knit me together in my mother’s womb and you know the number of hairs on my head, you know me completely! Help me to become the person you created me to be! Amen


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