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Lenten Devotional

Wednesday, March 21

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Randi Lundell
John 16:33
Wednesday, March 21

33 I have said this to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you face persecution. But take courage; I have conquered the world!" – John 16:33

It's hard to find peace in this world. Bookshelves are filled with advice on how to improve our relationships, resolve conflict, make healthy choices, and think critically about social media and newscasts that seem to feed on confusion and chaos. Peace of mind, peace of heart, peace in our time, and world peace are wonderful, lofty goals, but it seems that the harder we try, the more peace eludes us.

Jesus isn't talking about world peace in this passage. He's talking about the peace that only God can give: the peace that goes beyond our ability to fashion or create either within ourselves or in the world around us. Jesus is talking about the peace of the assurance of our salvation, because He has overcome the world. This peace is a hidden peace that comes with faith and repentance. The peace that Jesus promises us is not one that we can see or hear or touch, but one that keeps us in the promise of our baptism until eternal life with Him. 

There is a line right out of the old Lutheran liturgy that talks about the "peace that passes all understanding." May we all have the peace that passes understanding, because Jesus, in His resurrection, has overcome the world of chaos, discord, strife, sorrow and fear.

Questions for reflection:

  • What does Jesus mean when He says, "take heart"?
  • How does your faith in Christ manifest itself in ways that you don't understand?


Dear Lord, please keep me in the promise of my baptism and give me a heart of faith in you and peace that passes all understanding. Amen
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