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Living with Intention

Posted by Daniel Pederson on

Kyle and Annalisa Rudser, Bjorn, Soren, and Haakon

Why are you members of RLC?

We joined in 2012 when we were expecting our first child because we wanted to raise our children in a church community. We both grew up in church communities that we continue to feel connected to and wanted the same foundation for our children. At this point our three children feel so comfortable and welcome at church that they run around and play hide and seek. 

We have chosen to continue to be part of RLC because we support the direction the church is heading with becoming a Reconciled in Christ church, continuing social justice work, and community outreach.

What does abundant life mean to you?

Abundant life means living with purpose and intention, and serving and giving to support our community.

How have you seen or experienced abundant life at RLC?

Our experience at RLC has been enriched recently by being part of a small group with four other couples. It started as we emerged from COVID and had a desire to reconnect with other members in person and with meaning. We were initially guided by a faith workbook which prompted discussion and helped us develop relationships. It has become a meaningful group of support and joy in our life.

How are you involved at RLC?
Why do you financially support RLC?

Our three children are involved in RLC kids and the two oldest will attend Camp Wapo this summer. Annalisa has been involved in the Children’s Ministry task force as well as the pRAISE committee. We have hosted an annual pRAISE event called Braised RLC to celebrate the giving campaign. We have also hosted celebration events for pRAISE at our home which has been a great way to meet other members. We have chosen to be Sustainers because we support the church’s activities and mission in our community and the values it promotes for our children and other members.

pRAISE RLC Goes Through May 2

Click here to give now.


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