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Transitions Update

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Transitions Update
Val Velde, RLC Council President

During this year’s pRAISE week at RLC we have a lot going on! Our new interim pastor has started with us right after Easter. Eric Lesher will be a great addition and will help us navigate the process of hiring a new senior pastor. For a full bio on Eric please visit the transition page on our website: www.rosevillelutheran.org/pastoral-transition.

Additionally, I’m excited to announce that we’ve selected a Transition Team that will complete the Ministry Site Profile. This team will complete a document that will be visible for all candidates that will consider RLC. Trupti Storlie, Andrew Olson, Joe Ziegler, Kevin Miller, and Sara Mohn will work with Pastor Eric to complete this document and submit it to the ELCA. This is a talented team that will represent RLC well in completing this documenting and getting it submitted on our behalf. Each of these candidates bring assets to the team. Kevin Miller was part of the last MSP Transition team so can help the group leverage the documentation used when Pastor Marty was hired. Sara Mohn is a Past President of RLC so has deep history of RLC. Joe is also a Past President and is also a professional editor which will come in handy on this project. Andrew Olson is currently serving on Council so will serve on the committee but also keep Council up to date on the progress of this team’s work. Trupti led RIC work here at RLC and is currently heavily involved in website development. It’ll be key that how we present ourselves to the world matches how we represent ourselves to our new potential senior pastor. Thank you in advance, to all these lay leaders. 

After the Transition Team has completed its work, we will be forming the Call Committee. This will be the committee that will be selecting and hiring the new senior pastor. They will be selecting the final candidates and interviewing them. They will then make the difficult decision of deciding which to bring in front of the congregation for you to vote on. We will be posting a process soon for you to submit your name if you’d like to be considered for this committee. It’s a large time commitment for a few months’ time but an incredible way to get to know fellow members of RLC and the church hiring process. Thank you for engaging with Roseville Lutheran Church with your time and finances – you are a blessing!


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