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What is pRAISE RLC?

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What is pRAISE RLC?

$110,000 in 100 hours

RLC has a history of holding “end-of-year” appeals to raise awareness of our ministries and increase financial support. This fun, community-building giving campaign helps us bridge the gap between our expected annual income and actual offerings and gifts.

Happy Anniversary!

pRAISE RLC began in the spring of 2018 as a celebration of RLC’s 75th anniversary and continues to be a time for us to lift up and support our shared ministries.

Supporting our Ministries

In years past, our pRAISE RLC campaign has supported specific ministries such as the construction of our online studio booth, RLC’s organ repair fund, air ionization unit and live streaming, and our community partners Feed My Starving Children, Bridging, and Keystone. pRAISE RLC is also an important part of financially supporting our annual budget.

Living Out our Mission

pRAISE RLC: Live! will support our continued and budgeted ministries that help us to live out our mission and vision through worship, education, hospitality, mission and outreach, and so much more. We hope you will join us throughout the campaign as we highlight our work together, and raise funds to support our annual budget at www.rosevillelutheran.org/praise.

Give now

pRAISE RLC: Live! goes through May 2. Click here to give now. Thank you!


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