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What If God Has A Different Idea?

Posted by Chris Hagen on with 5 Comments

A funny t-shirt reads, “Don’t believe everything you think.” It’s in response to the glut of falsehoods and conspiracies littering media. But on another level, it also calls each of us to a measure of humility. I am quite happy in my opinions and worldview, have found comfort in how I live my life, hang around people who share my beliefs. But a measure of humility recognizes there are other valid, valuable points of view that stand in contrast to mine. A measure of humility recognizes that what I myself see is only a peephole into God’s great creation.

More importantly, my point of view may not be a clear picture of God’s. I need other ideas and opinions to fill out my understanding of God’s world and God’s ways. Those other ideas and opinions will give a more clear picture of what God is asking of us as a congregation. In particular, hearing from those often dismissed, ignored, on the margins, gives a fuller picture.

A topic not addressed in this Sunday's sermon (Jan. 24), but which is prominent in the gospel reading is that of wealth ownership. The reading makes clear that Peter’s success and the wealth of fish he brought ashore was clearly God’s doing. It recalls Deuteronomy 8:17-18, "Beware lest you say in your heart, “My power and the might of my own hand have gotten me this wealth.” But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth…" God’s intent for wealth is repeatedly clear in Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and in all the Gospels; God’s intent is that our personal wealth is meant for the well-being of everyone (Leviticus 19:9-10, etc.). This stands in contrast to the common understanding of capitalism, that of private wealth ownership and accumulation. But what if God has a different idea? What might be an alternative to pure, unfettered capitalism? 

Questions for conversation:
  • What different idea might God have for Roseville Lutheran Church?
  • Why is it difficult to consider an outlandish point of view?


KJ Bach January 25, 2021 6:16pm

The 2nd question has an easy answer.... 'never done it that way before'! Our life experiences have a huge effect on our point of view. Those of us who have decades of life experience sometimes have on 'blinders' and we forget to turn our heads to see the periphery around us... those 'our points of view'. Recognizing our own 'ruts' can be a first step in being open to an outlandish point of view!

KJ Bach January 25, 2021 6:23pm

The first question on what different idea might God have for RLC...how about utilizing our building for the homeless more than once a year, or providing meals 3-4 times a week, encouraging friends to 'hangout' at RLC as a 'small group' a couple of times a week. Provide safe and welcoming activities for the community (game night, HomeWork Helpers, Classes on gardening, Healthy eating, exercise classes). Need to find our niche in the Social Justice arena within Roseville/North Como. What about getting back into Habitat for Humanity to address affordable housing?

Heather Awad January 31, 2021 9:48am

My kids, in their teens and twenties, constantly preach to me against capitalism. I tell them about how terrible communism was, though. That greedy people used that system to grab up resources and luxury, while keeping the masses in poverty. Maybe we need a new path that allows more people to receive fair fruits for their labors, rather than stagnant low pay in the face of increasing expenses. I'm listening to the word of God, and to my kids, and I'm talking to my representatives.

Heather Awad January 31, 2021 9:48am

I love KJ's ideas of RLC as a community center rather than a hobby.

KJ Bach February 8, 2021 2:52pm

Heather.... Our Slovak mission partner in Martin, Slovakia has several PERSONAL stories of how they lived with Communism! If anyone would be interested in a conversation via ZOOM with our Slovak friends, I'm happy to arrange that. It was more than greed, but also gaining authority over others lives. The guiding scripture of the Slovak school is from the Book of John... 'Know the Truth and the Truth will set you Free' gives a hint of the suppression communism inflicted upon their society.

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