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A parent's perspective on 3rd-grade Bible workshop

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Our family absolutely loved the 3rd grade Bible workshop. During the first week, the 3rd graders received their Bibles with Pastor Sara leading us.

We watched as our 3rd grader excitedly paged through his new Bible, reading stories, finding pictures, and just exploring. Pastor Sara taught us about the Old Testament, New Testament, chapters and verses through engaging discussions that actively involved the children.

She ended the session by demonstrating the timeline of the Bible with a rope to show the big events from the Bible. The visual it provided for our 3rd grader and us as parents made the Bible real.

Our second Sunday was spent putting together family devotional activities. Our 3rd grader eagerly went through the stations and put together our bag. The activities are extremely family friendly and engaging.

When our other children saw the big bag of activities, they were excited to find out what they were. The activities offer families an easy way to make our faith real through fun activities.

We are thankful for such a meaningful introduction to the Bible for our 3rd grader.

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