The Karen (kuh-ren) Organization of Minnesota is the first social services agency in the country founded by Karen refugees from Burma. They provide resources to help organizations learn how to work with this growing community. Our RLC tutors help Karen children at Central Park School who...
Have you ever made paper? Do you love the smell of fresh baked bread? Gather in the Social Hall on Sunday, April 28 and Sunday, May 5! Everyone is invited!
Sundays April 28 and May 5, we are “mixing it up” a bit by inviting all kids ages 2-102 and their...
Long-time RLC members Roy and Blythe were devoted to the church in many ways. In fact, Roy was president of the congregation during the time when the decision was made to expand the RLC campus. His bold and courageous leadership helped move a challenging process forward, for the benefit of all...