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– Romans 10:15
Lauren J. Wrightsman
32,457 steps – Beautiful feet
She walks in, mask on…
from room to room
There are so many to help,
to cure,
her prayers fall silent now.
How many more steps?
Her day has just begun.
12,847 steps – Beautiful feet walk a trail
The sunlight has just awoken from its rest.
A sigh, a tug from the dog
“Let’s see what’s up ahead” the owner says,
the dog pants in gratitude.
9,754 steps – Beautiful feet – restless
What to do with this day?
867 steps – Beautiful feet walk from desk to table
He bends from table
to desk,.
How do you spell “life?” asks one
another leans in, listens,
“What are we learning today?”
The sun peaks in from the eastern window as their heads
bend down as if in prayer.
555 steps – Beautiful feet make a meal
Beans and rice
Cilantro freshly chopped.
A tortilla sits in the pan.
A sigh…
Did I do enough this day?
225 steps – Beautiful feet wade into water
The pond
freshly melted,
frogs chirping out a melody
“I wonder,” he asks to no one,
“Do they know of our plight?”
110 steps – Beautiful feet walk from bed to window
Five times they awaken on this day.
Hesitancy in their gait
“The world looks different today”…
57 steps – Beautiful feet stay still
hesitant steps this day,
Bed to bath, bath to bed
Footprints of air…
Let the world speak for me.
Beautiful feet – now laid to rest – let the silence speak
12 steps – Beautiful feet walk
One in front of the other
the space between couch and chair.
12 steps between stillness and life
Momma’s voice calls her in words of praise,
as her toddler’s feet reach out
She falls. And then she gets back up.
Laughter in her eyes.
Beautiful feet.