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I Am RLC: Greg Johnson

Posted by Daniel Pederson on

"I Am RLC" is an on-going story series that, over time, will give glimpses of who we are as individuals within the community of Roseville Lutheran Church. Periodically we'll learn from members, friends, and staff about what is important to them, what draws them here, and why they are engaged with and support the RLC community.

I Am RLC: Greg Johnson


How long have you been a member of RLC?

Since 1993

What initially brought you to RLC?

My wife and I had recently moved to the area and were looking for a new church to call home, and found it in RLC

How are you currently involved at RLC?

I serve on the Stewardship Committee

What three words would you use to describe RLC?

Welcoming, Generous, and Christ-centered

What advice would you give to someone just joining RLC?

RLC is a fairly large congregation.  It is important to find a group to connect with so you don't feel lost in the crowd.  There are so many opportunities for involvement, whether it be serving on a committee or ministry team or volunteering to pack meals or build dressers, etc.  There is something for everyone.

Why do you give your donations to RLC?

My wife and I have always believed that giving to one's church is simply the right thing to do. However, after serving on council, and more recently on the Stewardship Committee, I've seen first-hand how RLC uses the gifts it receives to support so many wonderful programs, mission and outreach activities, and other charities. So now we give, not out of obligation, but rather, with excitement, knowing that our gifts help to support those incredibly important things. In fact, we’ve been so impressed with RLC’s wise use of the resources it receives, that we have decided to include RLC in our wills.  This will allow us to give a significant gift that could have a lasting impact on RLC’s mission and future.

What is your favorite place to volunteer? Why?

Habitat for Humanity is easily my favorite organization to volunteer with.  For one, I love to build things, but more importantly, I think the concept behind Habitat is so great!  It allows families in need the opportunity to own their own home.  But they aren't just given a new home.  They put in many hours helping build their home right alongside the volunteers. They must also complete many home ownership classes.  These factors make the succes rate of Habitat is truly amazing.

What is the most meaningful gift you've ever given or received?

A number of years ago, I was diagnosed with cancer, which required surgery and chemo-therapy.  Towards the middle of my chemo treatments, when I was feeling the worst, I received a hand-knitted afghan blanket from a woman I didn't even know.  She is a member of my boy-hood church in Iowa and learned of my situation through my parents.  That blanket was a huge comfort to me during my treatments and continues to be so today.

What are your favorite hobbies?

I really enjoy hiking, especially along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Snorking in the ocean is very fun for me.  And I also really enjoy making things out of wood.

What super power would you have if you were a superhero? Why this power, and how would you use it?

I've always thought teleportation would be the coolest super power to have.  I don't really know how I'd use it for good as a super-hero, but I'd be able to instantly travel to any place in the world for free!

What's your favorite place in the Twin Cities? Why?

I don't really have a favorite place in the Twin Cities, but my favorite place in Minnesota is a spot called Palisade Head, about an hour north of Duluth along the North Shore of Lake Superior.  It sits atop 300 foot cliffs that rise straight up from the waters of Lake Superior and the view from there, especially in the fall, is absolutely incredible!

 If you could take a trip anywhere, where would you go? Why?

Probably Australia. so I could snorkle or scuba dive on the Great Barrier Reef.  That's one of my top five bucket list items.

What was your favorite toy, growing up?

For Christmas, when I was 9 or 10, I got a Tonka toy dump truck, with a working hydraulic truck bed.  I spent hours in the sandbox with that truck.  I even cleaned it up and re-painted it when i was in high school.  In fact, I still have it, although it doesn't get much use anymore.


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