Contact Us
- Phone: 651.487.7752
- Email:
- Mailing Address: 1215 Roselawn Ave. West | Roseville, MN 55113
We are getting ready for another pRAISE RLC campaign, this year with the theme, "Rebecoming."
Save Sunday, May 7 - Thursday, May 11 for this fun fundraiser at Roseville Lutheran Church.
We plan to kick off the excitement with ONE Worship at 10:00 am on Sunday, May 7. Join us for this time to gather together as ONE. This service will have several special elements including music by the RLC Jazz Ensemble, recognition of our graduating seniors with a blessing of them by our senior members, and the celebration of Holy Communion, and a festive reception to follow. Don't miss this fun time to gather as a community, and to reconnect with your friends across the congregation.
We are also planning for a Block Party on Wednesday, May 10. More information is coming, but we wanted you to have a little taste of what is in store!
See you May 7-11 at RLC for pRAISE RLC: Rebecoming!
Follow for all the latest updates during the campaign. Also check out our Facebook page, and expect a "few" extra emails that week!