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Rule One: We're Loved by God

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“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, 

that we should be called children of God!” – 1 John 3:1

One theme of conversation I noticed with many of the youth I met this past week was math homework. I was glad to remember I’ll never have a calc exam again. 

Whether you use high-level math in your everyday life, or whether you’re relieved (like me) that you usually don’t have to go beyond Excel basics, math is foundational to our world. It defines the “rules” that mark our physical limits--and it also gives us the tools to recognize the amazing potential we are surrounded by. 

Unlike students and children, who are challenged to discover new things every day (especially in the first few weeks of a new semester!), many of us get stuck in mundane routines. It’s easy to lose the sense of wonder and curiosity that seems to come easily to our kids, and to forget the most basic “rule” that defines who we are: that we are loved by God no matter what. To remember this is a reminder of our sinful limits – but it is also a reminder of the potential of God’s grace and forgiveness for us through Jesus Christ. 

Let us seek to recognize with awe and gratitude the foundation of God’s grace in our lives, knowing that each and every one of us is a beloved child of God. Let this “rule” shape our lives to reflect that love to all those around us – especially those who might be struggling with math homework this week!

– Audrey Dontje Lindell, Director of Youth Ministry

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