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Serve This Summer

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Roseville Lutheran has many opportunities to serve out in our community. Volunteers of all ages and abilities are welcome to participate in these events. There is joy in serving and joy in building community within our own church family through serving. Check out the opportunities below to see how you can Love God and Love Your Neighbor this Summer through service.

LOAVES & FISHES: Prepare and serve a meal at Mary’s Place in St. Paul on the 2nd Monday of the month. See https://www.loavesandfishesmn.org to learn more.

CPE: Collect items for Central Park Elementary students – generic pants, socks, underwear and gym shoes. 

BRIDGING: Serve in the Bridging warehouse bringing hope to families transitioning out of homelessness and poverty or donate your used household items.  Visit https://www.bridging.org to learn more.

FMSC: Pack meals at one of our local Feed My Starving Children sites.  Visit https://www.fmsc.org/get-involved/volunteer to look through all the  volunteer opportunities.

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