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Stories of RLC: ONAM Book Discussion

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Roseville Lutheran’s Our Neighbors and Me Committee (ONAM) is committed to encouraging understanding and compassion within and between the various communities of Falcon Heights and Roseville. During the Adult Education hours on Sunday, February 24, and Sunday, March 3, ONAM will provide the opportunity to discuss The Hate U Give, a recent bestseller that focuses on racial tensions in the U.S. today.

Our neighborhood was saddened, horrified, and shocked when, on July 6, 2016, Philando Castile was shot and killed by a St. Anthony police officer, on nearby Larpenteur Avenue. Castile, a 32 year old black man, was with his girlfriend and her daughter when shot. It was this tragic event that caused a series of conversations between RLC members, and, eventually, the formation of the ONAM Committee itself. 

The Hate U Give is the fictional story of a a young black girl, Starr Carter, who witnesses the killing of her friend Khalil when they are stopped by a policeman on their way home from a party. The book presents a complex picture of this event as it impacts her life, her family’s life, and the life of her community.  As the only person to  see the killing of Khalil firsthand, she has to decide how and when to speak out, a compelling and terrifying question for a 16 year old teenager. 

Interested individuals are encouraged to read this novel and/or view the recent film by the same name before the first session. Because of its occasional profanity, sexual content, and violence, this book is recommended for ages 14 and above. The film version is rated PG-13 and can be found streaming online. Families are encouraged to view the film or read the book together.

Please join us for these two interesting discussions!  RLC leaders will be Sara Mohn and Marilyn Shardlow.

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