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- Mailing Address: 1215 Roselawn Ave. West | Roseville, MN 55113
Every year right before Thanksgiving we put up sharing trees at Roseville Lutheran. These sharing trees are decorated with tags that indicate an item one of our local service organizations needs for their work. You faithful take those tags, add a few more items to your Christmas list, and bring them back here to go to someone in need.
You are generous. Thank you for all of the ways that you have contributed to making Christmas just a little merrier for someone in our community. Here’s a glimpse at what you generously gave:
21 pairs of snow pants
9 pairs of winter boots
24 winter jackets
Many many gloves, mittens, hats and scarves
$1900 in gift cards for families that find themselves in an emergency situation
$1400 for Sheridan Story, weekend meals for families in need
$1900 for our mobile pack in the Spring
Lots of clothes, games, and essential items for our guests in February.
68 blankets for bridging clients
Numerous towels and dishcloths for our Serve Sunday on January 13
Thank you for looking beyond your own self and family during this Christmas season and sharing in such a profound way with our neighbors in need. These simple acts of service are one of the ways that we grow in love for God and neighbor.
Pastor Sara