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  • Mailing Address: 1215 Roselawn Ave. West | Roseville, MN 55113




Work of the Church

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The work of the church is often done behind the scenes, outside of worship and educational events. We are people called to care for one another, love one another, and sit with others in their grief.

Thank you for the many ways you financially support the important and vital ministries of this church. Your ongoing gifts to our general offering help us sustain and support our weekly ministries and educational opportunities.

As we continue to grow and thrive in the ways we serve and love our neighbors, we thank you for your gifts and challenge you to prayerfully consider increasing your giving to our general offering.

The chart above provides insight into how our ministries are sustained. Every sustaining and recurring gift is indicated in blue. Look at the chart and find where you are in your monthly giving and consider raising it to a new level, or increasing your monthly gift at the same level. If you are new to sustained giving, consider beginning at $10.00 a month. Every gift matters to the lives of those we minister to and with!

Go to www.rosevillelutheran.org/advance
to set up your recurring gift.

If you have any questions, please contact Laurel Hofeldt at the church office at or 651-487-7752. Thank you for being part of RLC’s ministry and mission! Your generous gifts help us to reach out, minister to, and support people of God of all ages.

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