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- Phone: 651.487.7752
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- Mailing Address: 1215 Roselawn Ave. West | Roseville, MN 55113
Read our completed Ministry Site Profile (as of Oct. 27, 2021)
Frequently Asked Questions by the Congregation (Nov. 7)
The MSP is available on the RLC call committee web page. The MSP will also be posted on the ELCA website.
We received over 250 survey responses across a range of ages. The task force reviewed free form comments across the spectrum - from how we like who we are now & wish to stay that way to we look forward to acting more deeply on justice and inclusion.
Yes, this is one of the top 3 priorities and is included within the MSP. This individual will play an important role in teaming with our existing pastoral team.
While the top priorities of the Associate Pastor role includes focused attention to justice, inclusion, children, youth & family, this individual will serve all members of RLC as part of the pastoral team.
Bishop Lull & the synod staff will include those individuals who are actively seeking a call, individuals staff think may be a good fit & open to a new call as well as nominations from RLC members. Candidates from a variety of locations will be considered. Bishop Lull and her team are driven to bring forward individuals who have the gifts which are needed in this pivotal time for RLC.
Please lift up any prospective candidates to Mary Peterson or Linda Eldred by November 21st.
In consultation with the synod call team, Bishop Lull will provide 3-5 candidate profiles. The call committee will extend an interview invitation to all candidates brought forward.
The RLC Associate Pastor Call Committee has been formed. Thank you to all who expressed interest or suggested names of those who might help with this important task of the congregation. This past month, RLC’s Church Council unanimously approved these members to serve on the Associate Pastor Call Committee:
James Boyce
Nancy Brown
Linda Eldred (co-chair) Click to email Linda.
Jenna Giles
Addie Hansen
Kevin Miller
Mary Peterson (co-chair) Click to email Mary.
Jen Souvignier
Pastor Lauren Wrightsman (ex-officio)
Please pray for the call committee as they begin this exciting and important process. We will be working closely with Bishop Patricia Lull of the St. Paul Area Synod. Look for more information coming soon!
The Call Committee represents RLC to prospective candidates, who are themselves interviewing RLC through the Call Committee. The process is 3-way: RLC, the candidate and the St. Paul Area Synod. The synod represents the ELCA in the process and has vested interest in securing the best possible candidate for RLC.
Roseville Lutheran Church Congregation
October 2021 - February 2022 (estimated)
1-1/2 hours in weekly or bi-weekly meetings (a combination of zoom and in-person).