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Stories of RLC: Advent Activity Day

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Last Sunday, our Cornerstone and Luther League kids made crafts for their homes to help celebrate the Advent season. Advent Activity Day has been a tradition at RLC for the past 30+ years. Many hands are needed to prep the supplies needed for each age group to create these nice...

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Stories of RLC: Gathering and Scattering

Posted by Dick Carlson on

Worship for me is… living all my life from the core of a prayer we prayed Sunday after Sunday at the end of the worship service in the church where I was baptized and confirmed: “Help us to treasure in our hearts all that our Lord has done for us, and enable us to show our...

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Stories of RLC: The Deepest Form of Love

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Humility for me is sacrifice, care and the deepest form of love. Today, Veterans Day, we honor those who gave themselves as a ransom from threats of tyranny, strife, and foreign occupation.  It was here where humble actions were not uncommon in order to save a life.  These sacrifices...

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Stories of RLC: Love is...Friendship

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Thirty two years ago, RLC offered an opportunity to the women of the church, an adventure trip to the B.W.C.A.  I was put into a group with nine other women.  We entered the Boundary Waters as strangers and exited as the best of friends.  As we paddled God’s most majestic of...

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Stories of RLC: History of a Hymn

Posted by John Helgen on

Evening and Morning  - Paul Gerhard (1607-1676) Paul Gerhard was born near Wittenberg, Germany, 90 years after the Reformation began. He lived through the trauma of the Thirty Years War (1616-1648), and became a pastor at age 44. His life was marked by trouble. In 1637 soldiers set fire to...

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Stories of RLC: A Community United

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This past Sunday, October 14, we celebrated as a “Community United” in one worship service – a day in which we acknowledged that all we have has been given by God – and we responded by honoring God with our intended gifts for the upcoming year. May our gifts be given in...

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Stories of RLC: Giving Cheerfully

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2 Corinthians, 9:7 “Each one must give as he has decided in this heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” If you worship at Roseville Lutheran, you may have noticed during Sunday morning worship that there are a growing number of young children...

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Stories of RLC: A Definition of Community

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Since 1987, Bridging has furnished more than 90,000 homes, serving people who are transitioning out of homelessness and poverty.  Through the effective reuse of donated items, Bridging improves lives by providing the basic necessities for those in need. Over the years, Roseville Lutheran...

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Stories of RLC: Serve Sunday/Grad Care Packages

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Every fall our church assembles care packages to send to recent graduates. This Serve Sunday offers everyone an opportunity to write a note to these students for continued support and encouragement. Some of the young adults that benefit from receiving these care packages have been Shepherds in...

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Stories of RLC: Gracious Love

Posted by Jen Bergman on

  Tim and I have been members at Roseville Lutheran for 18 years.  When we joined, our boys, Noah(25) and Jonah(23) were attending Central Park Elementary School.  We were actively involved at Central Park while our kids were there; whether it was with the Cub Scouts, helping...

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