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The Place for Me

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Tina Breth (one of the new members we welcome on Nov. 10) shared with us that while attending college she first became aware of Roseville Lutheran and was curious to learn more about our church. At first, the architecture and size of the building were interesting to her. But during her first...

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A New Star in the Sky

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I lost my father, Kent Charpentier, this past year at the age of 68 due to early onset Alzheimer’s. My dad was a very physically active, healthy and friendly man before this awful disease overtook him. He lived life to the fullest and loved his family unconditionally. His last breaths on...

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Music and the Reformation

Posted by John Helgen on

The beginning of the Reformation in 1517 is marked by Martin Luther’s posting of his 95 Theses in Wittenberg, Germany - Luther’s commentary and objections to the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church, where he served as a priest. One of Luther’s complaints about...

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Growing in Faith

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Katy Husby has been a member at Roseville Lutheran Church for 5 years, and Joseph Husby grew up at RLC – attending preschool here – and has been involved ever since. Both of them are very active in the music ministry at RLC, and Joseph is also involved with Cornerstone. When asked...

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This was home to me

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  I have belonged to RLC since I was in first grade. Though I can’t make every Sunday, I want to give regularly, so I opted for online giving soon after it was offered. I give to Roseville Lutheran because this was a home to me as a youth, and I see the difference that RLC makes for...

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Profound Similarities

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Disheveled appearances (countenance and clothes) aside, the smiles are genuine, the words of thanks are sincere and the occasional “God bless you” is heartfelt.  These expressions of gratitude have special meaning because they come from people whose lives are so different...

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Rule One: We're Loved by God

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“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us,  that we should be called children of God!” – 1 John 3:1 One theme of conversation I noticed with many of the youth I met this past week was math homework. I was glad to remember I’ll never have a calc exam...

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Summer Recap

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Summer Ministry Recap   This summer, over 400 children, youth, and families participated in transformational camps, mission trips, and service opportunities through RLC. From June 10 through August 3, we had every week packed with action, fun, and faith-filled experiences for all! All eight...

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Prayers and Joys in Bloom

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Last spring we held an inter-generational event to make paper out of the many prayers, concerns, joys and sorrows that were written on colored sheets of paper during our Lenten Worship services. We tore up these laments and prayers into small pieces to make paper pulp. If you looked closely, you...

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Welcome Audrey Dontje Lindell

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We are delighted to welcome Audrey Dontje Lindell as our new Director of Youth Ministry at RLC. Below is a little bit about her, written by Audrey herself. I was first introduced to Roseville Lutheran’s beautiful sanctuary and building by two youth who have been actively involved in our...

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