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A Community That I Can Trust

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A Community That I Can Trust Since I’ve joined the RLC community I’ve been lucky to make so many wonderful connections. There’s been one young woman who’s been incredibly open, trusting, and welcoming. Within weeks of meeting me through youth events here at Roseville...

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For me, It's Home

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RLC is more than church for me, it’s home... In 1973 my parents chose Roseville Lutheran as the church to nurture the gift of faith in my five-year old heart. As I have grown up and raised my own family here, RLC has remained a centering community for me. While I work to keep the...

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Two fun summer activities for RLC kids

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Camp Salie – A First Camping Experience for Kids!                 Camp Salie is an amazing opportunity for kids completing grades 2-4 to experience what Bible Camp looks like in a setting that is close to home.  At Camp Salie this past...

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Care Team: Loving God, Loving Neighbor

Posted by Diane Sell on

And who is my neighbor? Jesus would tell us that all those in need are our neighbors, as he explains in Luke 10 with the Good Samaritan story. The truth is that in the kingdom of God all people are our neighbors, and as we continue our church mission to Love God and Love our Neighbor in 2020...

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Being Involved Makes a Difference

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I moved to Roseville as a young woman, just 30 years old. Now three decades later I am entering a new phase of life – semi retirement. Over those intervening years I have been involved at RLC in big ways and small ways. But through all of those experiences I have been surrounded by people...

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Redefining the Golden Rule

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When I finally stumbled upon RLC after moving to the cities for my college education, I was immediately drawn to this place. There is something special and refreshing about how welcoming RLC is to questions and understanding the world of chaos we live in today, which is what I try to imitate in...

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Christmas Greetings

Posted by Lauren Wrightsman on

“Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, good will to all, I bring you good news of great joy to everyone.” With these words, the angels declared the first Christmas blessing – a blessing that was first heard by the shepherds tending their sheep that night...

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Magnificent Hope - Dec. 11

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This Advent season, it is our prayer that you will find God’s hope being born among you: that God’s hope, born to us this season, will provide for you a sense of belonging, an encouragement of grace, and a call to join the motley crew of God’s beloved to...

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Thanks Be to the Lord

Posted by Sara Spohr on

This week is Thanksgiving. Like you, I can’t help but spend some time reflecting on the last year. In my life and in so many of your lives, 2019 has been full of ups and downs. In my best moments I can give thanks to God for being my strength in the hard times and my joy in the good times...

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God's Love is Bigger

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MEA Getaway, our fall retreat for high school students, is a big event. Hundreds of youth from the metro area headed up north over this past MEA weekend to enjoy the beauty and fun offered by Camp Castaway. The schedule was jam-packed and designed specifically with high school students in mind...

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